The Adventures of Goldfish
Started by Rocket

39 posts in this topic

346 posts 21 threads Joined: Apr 2017
10-02-2018, 07:40 PM -
I decided, even though jailbreak is completely dead now that school is back, perhaps I can surprise y'all and do something... I hope this won't die

Choose your rng
1-10, 50% chance you'll make it
1-100, 35% chance you'll make it
1-1000, 25% chance you'll make it

Choose your stats
You can only put 10 points combined into these 5 categories:
1. Swimming - how fast you can run from your predators
2. Strength - how many hits you can take from your predators
3. Stealth - how you can hide from your enemies
4. Luck - depending on how many points you put, the higher the chance for rng
5. Survival skills - on how easily you can get food etc.

How you spawn/die
1. You die and you stay dead.
2. You start from a checkpoint.
3. You can revive any time.

And yes, this is called Goldfish Adventures, so it'll probably be in a river or lake or ocean - for salt water goldfish.

God tier fish - Seabear - Is literally a god, cannot be stopped, will transform into a koi fish, fucking adorable.

People who have joined (will only start if we have 2): Skeletal, Genghis
We'll be starting bois here soon prolly sometime in the weekend (4 day weekend :^))))) when I don't have homework :^))
This post was last modified: 10-04-2018, 06:33 PM by Rocket.
"You're mom gay." - Communism, 2017
"Why do we have to read the rules?" - legoson7, 2018
"Why are we still here? Just to shitpost? Every night, I can feel my loneliness… and my memes… even my autism. The friends I’ve never had… the social life I’ve never had… won’t stop hurting…you feel it, too, don’t you?" - Genghis Khan, 2017
"( ͡☭ ͜ʖ ͡☭)" - Skeletal, 24-25 October 1817
"Nigga I am in the past" - The Hoff, 2014
"Last words." - Clockworker, 2017
The Genghis Khan

697 posts 48 threads Joined: Jan 2017
10-03-2018, 05:28 AM -
time to die massively
uhhh 1-1000
10 to swimming aquatic drift
uhhh when i get killed i die
the fishes name is fish of fire
This post was last modified: 10-04-2018, 05:22 AM by The Genghis Khan.
hi there

538 posts 16 threads Joined: Jan 2017
10-03-2018, 11:42 AM -
1. 3
2. 1
3. 4
4. 1
5. 1
Thank you for understanding why we did this and we hope to see all of you following the rules to keep this place a very safe environment.

346 posts 21 threads Joined: Apr 2017
10-03-2018, 04:22 PM -
Forgot an important part: Edit ur post and add ur fishes name!
"You're mom gay." - Communism, 2017
"Why do we have to read the rules?" - legoson7, 2018
"Why are we still here? Just to shitpost? Every night, I can feel my loneliness… and my memes… even my autism. The friends I’ve never had… the social life I’ve never had… won’t stop hurting…you feel it, too, don’t you?" - Genghis Khan, 2017
"( ͡☭ ͜ʖ ͡☭)" - Skeletal, 24-25 October 1817
"Nigga I am in the past" - The Hoff, 2014
"Last words." - Clockworker, 2017
The Genghis Khan

697 posts 48 threads Joined: Jan 2017
10-04-2018, 05:22 AM -
ok did that
hi there

346 posts 21 threads Joined: Apr 2017
10-05-2018, 03:45 PM -
Fish of Fire, your people need you. Wake up, young one.

You wake up, surrounded by worrying villagers of the lake.

Villager: Fish of Fire, lord, we thought we lost you.
Villager 2: We wouldn't know what to do without you, oh swimming king.

You look around, wondering where you are, and why you are here.

Fish of Fire: W-Where am I?

Villager 2: You are our king! Do you not remember? Your father died, and you got into a big fight. We patched you up as best as we could, my name is Scaliey.

You are very confused, but you start to slowly remember. You can either:

1. Try to remember.

2. Head out, to find out who you truly are.

3. Explore the village.
"You're mom gay." - Communism, 2017
"Why do we have to read the rules?" - legoson7, 2018
"Why are we still here? Just to shitpost? Every night, I can feel my loneliness… and my memes… even my autism. The friends I’ve never had… the social life I’ve never had… won’t stop hurting…you feel it, too, don’t you?" - Genghis Khan, 2017
"( ͡☭ ͜ʖ ͡☭)" - Skeletal, 24-25 October 1817
"Nigga I am in the past" - The Hoff, 2014
"Last words." - Clockworker, 2017

538 posts 16 threads Joined: Jan 2017
10-06-2018, 07:28 AM -
I'll call my fish "Gauche"
Thank you for understanding why we did this and we hope to see all of you following the rules to keep this place a very safe environment.
The Hoff

896 posts 45 threads Joined: Jan 2017
10-07-2018, 02:44 PM -
i came to JBF to start a new forum game and this pops up hmmm

Choose your rng
1-10, 50% chance you'll make it

Choose your stats
You can only put 10 points combined into these 5 categories:
1. Swimming - 0
2. Strength - 0
3. Stealth - 0
4. Luck - 5
5. Survival skills - 5

How you spawn/die
3. You can revive any time.

Name: O'Feck, he needs to be lucky to acquire some sea potatoes lest he must leave Ireland for the Promised Land of America
BL_ID: 42057

hello. if you happened to come back to this dead forum to re-read my forum games, i.e. The Vigilante, Infinity Tower, Criminal Business (for nostalgia?), you are out of luck. I saved each game to my computer in PDF form. Needless to say, these forum games are probably deleted. However, if you pm me on Discord (Oh shit, he#4107), I might be able to give them to you.

1. too much references to stuff close IRL friends or family will understand.
2. shit writing
3. a few things in CB prob put me on a list

So yeah.

346 posts 21 threads Joined: Apr 2017
10-07-2018, 07:26 PM -
(10-03-2018, 11:42 AM)Skeletal¹²³™ Wrote: uhhh
1. 3
2. 1
3. 4
4. 1
5. 1

Gauche, the goldfish stealthy assassin. Though not strong, you're swimming and stealth make up for it.

One afternoon, in your salt water cave, you're sitting there and you get a call on your plant TV, probably a hit. Turns out you're correct, and have to head to the nearby river for a hit on the... "Fish of Fire". Apparently a king or something, but you don't care about details.

You prepare to head out, gathering all your weapons and supplies to find this king and kill him.

When suddenly, your door is knocked down and 2 other goldfish who look very strong, though not fast looking with coral as their weapons. They don't seem to see you, as you are in the back of your cave. Each have 50 health.

What should you do?

1. Attack (roll for damage, 35% you'll do anything fatal.)

2. Hide (better points in stealth leads to higher chance of living)

3. Run throughout the back of the cave.

(10-07-2018, 02:44 PM)The Hoff Wrote: i came to JBF to start a new forum game and this pops up hmmm

Choose your rng
1-10, 50% chance you'll make it

Choose your stats
You can only put 10 points combined into these 5 categories:
1. Swimming - 0
2. Strength - 0
3. Stealth - 0
4. Luck - 5
5. Survival skills - 5

How you spawn/die
3. You can revive any time.

Name: O'Feck, he needs to be lucky to acquire some sea potatoes lest he must leave Ireland for the Promised Land of America

The sun sets on your small Irish seapotato farm. O'Feck, a great seafarmer, has the luck of a talented Irish fish. Though alone, when he goes out he doesn't seem like it. Lives in a small Irish goldfish village next to the river mouth, where, due to their luck, nothing much happens. Though the waters seem strange in a way today.

Even though the waters feel strange, he decides to go out tonight. With his pitch fork in his fin, though not strong at all, he believes he can protect himself.

You swim your way past your farm and deeper into the village, when you notice a big fight outside of it. Typical drunk goldfish, you think as you try to swim your way past into the bar.

The biggest one in the fight sees you trying to swim by, he has no weapons and is only using his bare hands, starts to threaten you and try to get you to fight him. You see his victims to the left, who are all being stepped on and spitted on for being weak compared to the rest of them.

Being as lucky as you are, you think you can do something about him. Probably not the best idea, but maybe worth the shot if you decide to. You can either:

1. Fight him against him. (Strength is against you, but if you get lucky enough.)

2. Go into the bar and ignore him.

3. Reason with him. (Higher the luck, the better)
This post was last modified: 10-07-2018, 07:39 PM by Rocket.
"You're mom gay." - Communism, 2017
"Why do we have to read the rules?" - legoson7, 2018
"Why are we still here? Just to shitpost? Every night, I can feel my loneliness… and my memes… even my autism. The friends I’ve never had… the social life I’ve never had… won’t stop hurting…you feel it, too, don’t you?" - Genghis Khan, 2017
"( ͡☭ ͜ʖ ͡☭)" - Skeletal, 24-25 October 1817
"Nigga I am in the past" - The Hoff, 2014
"Last words." - Clockworker, 2017
The Genghis Khan

697 posts 48 threads Joined: Jan 2017
10-08-2018, 03:57 AM -
before i go on my aquatic drift i go 1. trying to remember
hi there

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