The Vigilante [I got bored so its over]
Started by The Hoff

195 posts in this topic
The Hoff

896 posts 45 threads Joined: Jan 2017
01-24-2017, 07:30 PM -
(01-24-2017, 04:15 PM)Skeletal¹²³™ Wrote: I'll choose

Difficulty : Hard
Resistance to Commands : lol i am autistic
RNG Mechanics : RNGesus is dead.
Enemy Information : What's that in your pocket?
Respawn mechanics : I have the weirdest deja vu!
Combat Priorities : KILL THEM ALL!
Flashbacks : TIME PARADOX
Information Tactics : This is a multiple-choice test

Hope this starts as soon as possible!

I will roll with that. 

[size=undefined]Gamemode Modifiers Have Been Set:[/size]
Hard - You will need some army training, since your enemies will know what the hell to do in battle to outplay you. They understand tactics pretty well. You will most likely need professional help in solving the case with your own hands.
lol i am autistic - Joke or suicidal commands will not be ignored.
RNGesus is dead -  RNG is practically non-existent, so reality will more likely take course, especially in combat. Hence, say if you are trying to punch a guy with an AK-47 to death, with no surprise or special tactics, expect to be killed instead of rolling a dice for a miracle K.O.
OMG STOP PICKING TORBJORN YOU NOOB - No skillsets for you to work with.
What's that in your pocket? - See only basic stats for enemies, such as his health, his current weapon, etc.
I have the weirdest deja vu! - When you die, you restart the exact moment before your death. You do not lose anything and nothing besides your death is made non-canon. 
This is a multiple-choice test - A couple of options will be given to you. You do not have to pick any of those listed options, they are suggestions/hints.
KILL THEM ALL! - Enemy attacks will be focus equally throughout you and your allies (if any).
TIME PARADOX - Have somewhat interact-able flashbacks (you can do anything in the flashbacks, however I will decide the end of the flashback no matter what choices the forumers make during the flashback.)

[tt]Welcome to Brighton Beach University, Brooklyn, New York.
NAME: Aaron Garfield
LEVEL: Junior
AGE: 21
ASSIGNED DORM: 613 (13th Room on the 6th Floor)[/tt]

Prologue: Day of Infamy

You step into the laboratory that your anatomy class takes place in. There is an experiment to be done. You garrison your lab group.

In the middle of the lab, the lockdown alarm goes off.

P.A: This is not a drill! We repeat, thi-

You hear a plethora of gunshots and explosions being played to the laboratory through the PA speaker. You also hear a lot of shouting from some thick-accented voice in the P.A. You can not pinpoint the accent to any country yet.

Achievement Unlocked: Lockdown Drill!

Your lab partners hide under the tables.

A. Hide and pray for dear God.
B. Find some items that can be used as weapons or distractions.
C. Run out of the classroom.
D. Other (Please post what it is.)

[Image: US75qqA.png]

Location: Laboratory Classroom 583
Condition: Healthy
Date and time: August 24th, 2016|1:37 P.M.
- Sharpened pencil
- Blue pen
Danger Levels: Gunmen in campus. You do not know where in the campus they are, and they have yet to find you.

Mandatory Immediate Objectives:
- Survive the shooting by any means.

Optional Immediate Objectives:
- Save as many people as possible.
- Get rid of the shooters, by death or by making them unable to carry out their plans.

Long-run Objectives:

Action queue:

QUICK EDIT: Updates will not be frequent on weekdays.
BL_ID: 42057

hello. if you happened to come back to this dead forum to re-read my forum games, i.e. The Vigilante, Infinity Tower, Criminal Business (for nostalgia?), you are out of luck. I saved each game to my computer in PDF form. Needless to say, these forum games are probably deleted. However, if you pm me on Discord (Oh shit, he#4107), I might be able to give them to you.

1. too much references to stuff close IRL friends or family will understand.
2. shit writing
3. a few things in CB prob put me on a list

So yeah.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Vigilante [SETUP] - by Skeletal¹²³™ - 01-24-2017, 04:15 PM
RE: The Vigilante [SETUP] - by The Hoff - 01-24-2017, 07:30 PM

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