Jailbreak Forums Makes A Procedure On How To Get The Golden Brick
Started by The Hoff

120 posts in this topic

804 posts 34 threads Joined: Jan 2017
07-16-2017, 07:46 PM -
60. hack the hoff's computer and make him delete this thread with government tools
Я женщина.
The Hoff

896 posts 45 threads Joined: Jan 2017
07-16-2017, 07:48 PM -
61. undo all of the hacking and go hack The Genghis Khan's computer to remove his shitposts.

However, the Serbian government will find your "KOSOVO IS SERBIA" thread, and also find out that you nuked Kosovo, so they will send you an email telling you to work for them. However, it is in Cyrillic Serbian.

EDIT: heres what the email says

Здраво, Грегори. После недавног нукинга на Косову, истребљења локалног албанског становништва, помогли сте у решавању спора у нашу корист. Ваша тема на Форуму Блокланда која каже "Косово је Србија!" Само наводи чињеницу у овом тренутку. Захваљујући нуклеарном лансирању, Косово још једном има српско становништво.

Сада, ако желите да радите за нас, постоје неке ... потенцијално сумњиве ствари, попут нуклеарних наших непријатеља. Међутим, пошто сте нуклеаризовали читаву проблематичну покрајину, чини се да вам не занима много нуклеарних држава или компанија. Имате попис мете које би требали нуке:
- Хрватска
- Босна
- Албанија
- Клинтон фондација

Заузврат, ако сте нуклеарне четири четворице ових мета, ми ћемо вам дати сва своја сазнања о Златном опеку за којег се чини да се бринете. Поред тога, само зато што зашто не, обновићемо тело Тупац. Да, гласине на интернету су биле истините, Тупац ИС живи у нашој славни земљи Србије. Коначно, последња награда је да убије познати косовски бунт за немире, који иде под именом Ерјон. Имајући у виду да ваш отац управља затвором у коме служи вечну казну, то ће му бити велико олакшање.

С поштовањем, Александар Вучић, председник Србије.
This post was last modified: 07-17-2017, 12:00 AM by The Hoff. Edit Reason: added email letter
BL_ID: 42057

hello. if you happened to come back to this dead forum to re-read my forum games, i.e. The Vigilante, Infinity Tower, Criminal Business (for nostalgia?), you are out of luck. I saved each game to my computer in PDF form. Needless to say, these forum games are probably deleted. However, if you pm me on Discord (Oh shit, he#4107), I might be able to give them to you.

1. too much references to stuff close IRL friends or family will understand.
2. shit writing
3. a few things in CB prob put me on a list

So yeah.

538 posts 16 threads Joined: Jan 2017
07-17-2017, 03:58 AM -
nuke serbia, croatia, bosnia, albania, clinton's foundation and die
This post was last modified: 07-17-2017, 04:01 AM by Skeletal¹²³™.
Thank you for understanding why we did this and we hope to see all of you following the rules to keep this place a very safe environment.

148 posts 22 threads Joined: Jan 2017
07-17-2017, 04:23 AM -
(07-17-2017, 03:58 AM)Skeletal¹²³™ Wrote: 62.
nuke serbia, croatia, bosnia, albania, clinton's foundation and die

step 63. Kosovo isnt part of serbia but nuke all balkans except for albania we have to nuke all of them before they know this thread.
I asked the Cleverbot what was the scouters power level [Image: wNgKWQz.png]
The Hoff

896 posts 45 threads Joined: Jan 2017
07-17-2017, 12:41 PM -
step 64. fortunately, you nuked all the targets. unfortunately, you nuked Serbia, so the government isn't there to give you the rewards. On any computer, run RestoreTheWorldNow.exe to restore the world to the time between the nuking of Kosovo and the other nukings.
BL_ID: 42057

hello. if you happened to come back to this dead forum to re-read my forum games, i.e. The Vigilante, Infinity Tower, Criminal Business (for nostalgia?), you are out of luck. I saved each game to my computer in PDF form. Needless to say, these forum games are probably deleted. However, if you pm me on Discord (Oh shit, he#4107), I might be able to give them to you.

1. too much references to stuff close IRL friends or family will understand.
2. shit writing
3. a few things in CB prob put me on a list

So yeah.

804 posts 34 threads Joined: Jan 2017
07-17-2017, 04:56 PM -
65. go back and hack hoff's computer and make him delete this thread
Я женщина.
The Hoff

896 posts 45 threads Joined: Jan 2017
07-17-2017, 05:42 PM -
66. repeat steps 61 and 62 in that order BUT do not nuke Serbia.
BL_ID: 42057

hello. if you happened to come back to this dead forum to re-read my forum games, i.e. The Vigilante, Infinity Tower, Criminal Business (for nostalgia?), you are out of luck. I saved each game to my computer in PDF form. Needless to say, these forum games are probably deleted. However, if you pm me on Discord (Oh shit, he#4107), I might be able to give them to you.

1. too much references to stuff close IRL friends or family will understand.
2. shit writing
3. a few things in CB prob put me on a list

So yeah.

804 posts 34 threads Joined: Jan 2017
07-17-2017, 08:28 PM -
67. do nothing and wait but in the mean time go and hack david hasselhoff's computer and make him delete this thread
Я женщина.
The Hoff

896 posts 45 threads Joined: Jan 2017
07-17-2017, 08:44 PM -
68. you are given a free ticket for an United Airlines flight to Belgrade. Go to the airport and board the plane.
BL_ID: 42057

hello. if you happened to come back to this dead forum to re-read my forum games, i.e. The Vigilante, Infinity Tower, Criminal Business (for nostalgia?), you are out of luck. I saved each game to my computer in PDF form. Needless to say, these forum games are probably deleted. However, if you pm me on Discord (Oh shit, he#4107), I might be able to give them to you.

1. too much references to stuff close IRL friends or family will understand.
2. shit writing
3. a few things in CB prob put me on a list

So yeah.

804 posts 34 threads Joined: Jan 2017
07-17-2017, 09:26 PM -
69. on your arrival go and find hookers to receive many sexual favors from them
This post was last modified: 07-17-2017, 09:26 PM by Communism.
Я женщина.

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