Infinity Tower (well fuck theres lore now)
Started by The Hoff

39 posts in this topic
The Hoff

896 posts 45 threads Joined: Jan 2017
05-05-2018, 12:11 PM -
This is another shitpost forum game like "JBF writes a procedure of how to get the Golden Brick" and "JBF plays Minecraft" that is meant to be simple and yet allow creativity and shitposting
(and also to revive the forum before the big one is released)

A brief plot: You have been invited to some city in the world that has this strange landmark, dubbed the "Infinity Tower", due to its extraordinary height. But is it really infinite? Curiousity has gotten the better of you so you decide to visit each floor.

A brief set of rules:
1. A floor is "discovered" if its described in the game. If it is not yet described, than it is NOT discovered.
2. You can visit up to TEN FLOORS per post. No skipping entire floors not yet discovered.
       this is good: Floor 1 > Floor 2 > oh shit you are in the first floor of the basement aka Floor -1 > Floor 3
       this is bad: Floor 1 > Floor 100 > Floor -13 > Floor 4 (floors 2-99 were not discovered, and neither were floor -1 to -12)
3. There is no limit as to what can be inside a floor. It can be anything from a crawlspace to an entire airplane hanger. It can be completely and depressingly empty, or so full of random crap that it will be hard to navigate the floor. It may not even be part of the tower at all, and is just aside it, floating, breaking the laws of physics. Realism can be completely swept aside. The only requirement for each floor is that it is somehow connected to the rest of the tower. Infinity Tower transcends the universe, and it is already breaking the laws of the universe just by its height, so why must the lack of realism cease there?
4. You can allow little "subplots" spanning entire floors.
An example from the last time I did an Infinity Tower game in a different forum: There were seven trials, one for each floor, which cumulated in the player keeping his loyality to an old shotgun that he acquires early on in the game, despite the availability of clearly superior weapons and companions. This shotgun would become the player's trusty inanimate sidekick, just like Chell and a companion cube, as they fight through floors of North Koreans or creepypasta-inspired abominations.
5. You can revisit floors already explored.
Example here

Let's begin.

Floor 1 is the lobby of the Infinity Tower. 
It is designed much like any lobby for a skyscraper. You come up to the lobbyist and ask for a map of the tower. The lobbyist states "Sorry, we can not fit the entire tower in a map, so we just didn't bother. How about you explore the whole tower for yourself?"

Some cool floors:
These are the floors with high effort put into them, or floors that contribute to the plot of this game that every player is allowed to build upon.
Floor 7 - the introduction of The Teenagers
Floors 14-25 - Bluefang breaks Rule 2 back when it was "One floor at a time pls"
Floor 31 - the introduction of The Sword
Floor 42 - the introduction of Dawsonism
This post was last modified: 05-17-2018, 02:47 PM by The Hoff. Edit Reason: added rule 5
BL_ID: 42057

hello. if you happened to come back to this dead forum to re-read my forum games, i.e. The Vigilante, Infinity Tower, Criminal Business (for nostalgia?), you are out of luck. I saved each game to my computer in PDF form. Needless to say, these forum games are probably deleted. However, if you pm me on Discord (Oh shit, he#4107), I might be able to give them to you.

1. too much references to stuff close IRL friends or family will understand.
2. shit writing
3. a few things in CB prob put me on a list

So yeah.

152 posts 4 threads Joined: Jun 2017
05-05-2018, 05:52 PM -
Floor 2 is Schrodinger's Jailbreak Return which both exists and does not exist at the same time.  Until a date where either (A) Jailbreak comes back or (B) Blockland or the internet is destroyed or an event occurs that will delete the possibility of a Jailbreak Return it will remain in an uncertain state.  Upon stepping into the room you become both fake and real and are restored to your real reality form when stepping into the elevator again.
This post was last modified: 05-05-2018, 05:56 PM by BlueFang24.
The Hoff

896 posts 45 threads Joined: Jan 2017
05-05-2018, 06:01 PM -
Floor 3 is just a giant E.
Which has stickers of the face of Farquadiplier on it.
BL_ID: 42057

hello. if you happened to come back to this dead forum to re-read my forum games, i.e. The Vigilante, Infinity Tower, Criminal Business (for nostalgia?), you are out of luck. I saved each game to my computer in PDF form. Needless to say, these forum games are probably deleted. However, if you pm me on Discord (Oh shit, he#4107), I might be able to give them to you.

1. too much references to stuff close IRL friends or family will understand.
2. shit writing
3. a few things in CB prob put me on a list

So yeah.

346 posts 21 threads Joined: Apr 2017
05-05-2018, 08:56 PM -
Floor 4 is a just a giant mirror room, seems to go on endlessly, but to the right there is a staircase to the next room
"You're mom gay." - Communism, 2017
"Why do we have to read the rules?" - legoson7, 2018
"Why are we still here? Just to shitpost? Every night, I can feel my loneliness… and my memes… even my autism. The friends I’ve never had… the social life I’ve never had… won’t stop hurting…you feel it, too, don’t you?" - Genghis Khan, 2017
"( ͡☭ ͜ʖ ͡☭)" - Skeletal, 24-25 October 1817
"Nigga I am in the past" - The Hoff, 2014
"Last words." - Clockworker, 2017

152 posts 4 threads Joined: Jun 2017
05-05-2018, 09:28 PM -
Floor 5 has been rented out by a company selling timeshares in Hawaii.

538 posts 16 threads Joined: Jan 2017
05-06-2018, 03:56 AM -
Floor 6 is a very small room with 10 gopniks squatting, drinking vodka, eating semenchki and screaming "ЧИКИ БРИКИ! И В ДАМКИ!"
Thank you for understanding why we did this and we hope to see all of you following the rules to keep this place a very safe environment.
The Hoff

896 posts 45 threads Joined: Jan 2017
05-06-2018, 09:39 AM -

As the elevator door opens on Floor 7, the way out is promptly blocked by a wall of T-posing teenagers. Unable to pass through the wall, you press the button to go one floor up.
BL_ID: 42057

hello. if you happened to come back to this dead forum to re-read my forum games, i.e. The Vigilante, Infinity Tower, Criminal Business (for nostalgia?), you are out of luck. I saved each game to my computer in PDF form. Needless to say, these forum games are probably deleted. However, if you pm me on Discord (Oh shit, he#4107), I might be able to give them to you.

1. too much references to stuff close IRL friends or family will understand.
2. shit writing
3. a few things in CB prob put me on a list

So yeah.

152 posts 4 threads Joined: Jun 2017
05-06-2018, 12:52 PM -
But the elevator plummets to Floor -1 which is an upside down lobby.  The elevator crashed and burned but somehow you escaped with no injury You ask the lobbyist there for a map and a way to go up and she says "!wonk uoy rotavele eno naht erom si erehT  ?flesruoy rof rewot elohw eht erolpxe uoy tuoba woH .rehtob t'ndid tsuj ew os ,pam a ni rewot eritne eht tif ton nac ew ,yrroS"
This post was last modified: 05-06-2018, 12:53 PM by BlueFang24.

346 posts 21 threads Joined: Apr 2017
05-06-2018, 12:56 PM -
(05-06-2018, 12:52 PM)BlueFang24 Wrote: But the elevator plummets to Floor -1 which is an upside down lobby.  The elevator crashed and burned but somehow you escaped with no injury  You ask the lobbyist there for a map and a way to go up and she says "!wonk uoy rotavele eno naht erom si erehT  ?flesruoy rof rewot elohw eht erolpxe uoy tuoba woH .rehtob t'ndid tsuj ew os ,pam a ni rewot eritne eht tif ton nac ew ,yrroS"

You take the upside down lobby elevator which is trippy as fuck which makes it seem like you are plummeting to your death but actually, it takes you to an upside down floor 8 which just seems to be a normal hotel hallway but upside down. what you don't know is that the hallway goes on forever.
This post was last modified: 05-06-2018, 12:57 PM by Rocket.
"You're mom gay." - Communism, 2017
"Why do we have to read the rules?" - legoson7, 2018
"Why are we still here? Just to shitpost? Every night, I can feel my loneliness… and my memes… even my autism. The friends I’ve never had… the social life I’ve never had… won’t stop hurting…you feel it, too, don’t you?" - Genghis Khan, 2017
"( ͡☭ ͜ʖ ͡☭)" - Skeletal, 24-25 October 1817
"Nigga I am in the past" - The Hoff, 2014
"Last words." - Clockworker, 2017

152 posts 4 threads Joined: Jun 2017
05-06-2018, 02:17 PM -
You reenter the elevator, exiting floor -2 and go up all the way to floor 9 which is filled with memes that ARENT GOOD FOR YOUR HEART
This post was last modified: 05-07-2018, 04:39 PM by BlueFang24.

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