Date | Player | Type | Length | Reason | Admin |
02/11/19 12:39am | Caleb Chellers (49233) | 25 rounds | Extremely dysfunctional at both guard and warden | 8 POs | sherif (33935) | |
02/09/19 5:19am | Caleb Chellers (49233) | 10 rounds | hit and run / previous offenses | Mr Queeba (44574) | |
02/09/19 4:59am | Caleb Chellers (49233) | 10 rounds | delaying, unable to perform basic warden tasks / generally incompetent | sherif (33935) | |
11/11/17 10:24pm | Caleb Chellers (49233) | 10080 minutes | Excessive spam, it's time to stop. | Ranma (11167) | |
11/11/17 8:27pm | Caleb Chellers (49233) | 60 minutes | Repeated spamming, several consecutive PO's. | Dannu (17003) | |
11/11/17 6:33pm | Caleb Chellers (49233) | 15 rounds | Guard incompetence | A-Spec (29873) | |
11/11/17 3:41am | Caleb Chellers (49233) | 10 rounds | Killing last prisoner, rdm's, and pressing buttons without wardens permission causing multiple rdms | Padillac (49502) | |
11/09/17 11:59pm | Caleb Chellers (49233) | 120 minutes | Never stops spamming, already been banned for this. | Gentle Spy (166053) | |
11/07/17 12:00am | Caleb Chellers (49233) | 120 minutes | Spam | Communism (49758) |