Date | Player | Type | Length | Reason | Admin |
04/22/20 1:38am | Raoul Silva (49280) | 20 rounds | Always AFK as a guard | Razer (37468) | |
04/05/20 1:44am | Raoul Silva (49280) | 80 rounds | Severe and consistent incompetence, previous POs | Dimwit (49758) | |
08/11/19 11:53pm | Raoul Silva (49280) | 20 rounds | general incompetence as warden, several po's | Mr Queeba (44574) | |
08/02/18 3:24am | Raoul Silva (49280) | 60 rounds | Severe incompetence, inability to learn from past mistakes | Communism (49758) | |
09/04/17 9:02pm | Mr. Isaacs (49280) | 40 rounds | Major incompetence | Ipquarx (9291) | |
04/01/17 5:55pm | Raoul Silva (49280) | 80 rounds | Mass RDM - Should know better after many POs | Visolator (48980) | |
02/04/17 6:39pm | Raoul Silva (49280) | 180 minutes | Muted multiple times for links & disrespecting staff. | A-Spec (29873) | |
02/04/17 6:22pm | Raoul Silva (49280) | 20 rounds | Multiple PO's in the past, made the ban longer. | A-Spec (29873) | |
02/04/17 6:21pm | Raoul Silva (49280) | 10 rounds | Itemplanting | A-Spec (29873) | |
02/04/17 1:14am | Raoul Silva (49280) | 5 rounds | Repeated suicide | Velor (28880) | |
01/16/17 6:25pm | Raoul Silva (49280) | 1 round | False guardban, ignore this and last | Visolator (48980) | |
01/16/17 6:24pm | Raoul Silva (49280) | 30 rounds | Intentional item plant | Many POs | Visolator (48980) | |
01/16/17 4:39am | Raoul Silva (49280) | 25 rounds | Guard incompetence, not following warden orders. | 9 POs | Clockworker (113407) | |
12/22/16 12:46am | Raoul Silva (49280) | 5 rounds | illegal freeday | Ranma (11167) | |
12/13/16 1:22am | Raoul Silva (49280) | 10 rounds | Being an idiot | Gizmo (12815) | |
12/10/16 12:51am | Raoul Silva (49280) | 10 rounds | Suiciding and RDMing via Roulette gun + leaving to avoid punishment. | fishy fish (35722) | |
11/28/16 3:24am | Roger Rabbit (49280) | 15 rounds | Suiciding as guard | 5 PO's | The_Clockworker (113407) | |
09/17/16 11:55pm | Dr.Strange (49280) | 3 rounds | intentionally suiciding as guard | TheBlackParrot (18701) | |
09/17/16 11:52pm | Dr.Strange (49280) | 5 rounds | afk on warden round | TheBlackParrot (18701) | |
09/13/16 8:06pm | Dr.Strange (49280) | 5 rounds | afk while warden | TheBlackParrot (18701) | |
09/04/16 11:02pm | Raoul Silva (49280) | 1 round | AFK in armory | DragonoidSlayer (29131) | |
09/02/16 11:43pm | Raoul Silva (49280) | 5 rounds | Not following warden orders, pressing random buttons. | The_Clockworker (113407) |