08-04-2017, 06:00 AM
Rioters! A forum game where you take over a prison!
Yea it's back. But instead of Anti-Rioters it's Rioters!
Normal - Guards are half-blind, there is literally ammo everywhere, SWAT comes sometimes.
Hard - This time guards can see, ammo is common enough., and SWAT comes usually.
Very Hard - This time guards can literally see everything that you do. Ammo is also common here, also military can show up.
Mayhem - This time guards may somewhat know your plans. Ammo is more rare. Military will usually show up.
HELL - Literally. Hell. Guards spies you. You will only find some bullets so you have to stick with melees, the strongest
authority will show up in 10 minutes once the riot has been announced.
(Also hardcore, "Critical hits are for pussies!" are mandatory while using this difficulty)
Combat and Action system
Roll 10 - Roll 10. Depends from difficulty.
[i]Roll 20- Roll 10. Depends from difficulty.[/i]
[i]No RNG - There is no luck; You have to use the logic.[/i]
Respawn System
I perfectly remember about my past life! - You will respawn where did you die. Also you remember all informations.
CheckPoints - You will respawn in checkpoints ; You will not remember informations
HARDCORE - When you die, you will not respawn. You will die permamently
Critical hits
Lucky Shot! - There's a chance to make a critical hit when shooting an enemy (Chance depends from luck.)
Headshot - There's a chance to make a critical hit when you hit someone's head (Chance depends from luck.)
Critical hits are for Pussies! - No critical hits.
Strenght.Lluck.Intelligence.Speed.Ccharisma.Stealth. Points modifier
SKill Points
12 points avaible. Use points to increase your Skill Points. (Max points for each skill is 10).
Strenght - More damage with melees. Also makes you able to open vents by your hands if it has enough points
Intelligence - More multiple choices, can craft more items, can plan better.
Speed - Be more fast, you can dodge if it has enough points.
Stealth - Decreases detection rate. Also if it has enough points you can conceal/hide items. And also make less noise when running.
Luck (Disabled on Hell) - More chance of critical hits.
Charisma - Be able to corrupt guards, buy items for lower price, pacify enemies if it has enough skill points.
Players that joined
Rocket - 6 Intel, 2 strenght, 2 speed, 2 stealth. (Total 12, fixed for you.)
Khan - 10 Charisma, 2 Strenght (Total 12)
David Hasselhoff - 8 strenght, 3 speed, 1 charisma. (Total 12)
Ghengis Khan - 10 Charisma 2 Strenght. (Total 12)
Sherif - 8 Stealth, Intel 4 (Total 12)
Communism - 9 Intel 3 Stealth (Total 12)
Feel free to join anytime!
NOTE: If the character doesn't respond in a day then everyone can make the choice for him.But he has still the priority
NOTE: If a character is without choice in three days then RNG will decide his choice
Note: If a player will be inactive for more than 3 updates, they will be automatically expelled until they be active again.