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Sunday, Week 1
Season: Fall
Today there is a special school event! There are no classes today!

An abundance of automobiles were dropping off passengers by the front gates to Manoyama Academy. The arriving students and their families were abuzz with excitement.
“I’m finally going to learn magic!”
“Don’t worry mom, I’ll be home soon!”
The voices of newly accepted students bidding farewell to their guardians were easily audible. After parting ways, the new students carried their luggage across the entrance bridge that spanned the large chasm between the mainland and Manoyama Academy.

[Image: faZCy4C.png]

Once inside the Entrance Hall, the new students lined up to get their room assignments and drop off their luggage. Among the room assignments, there was the following:
Room 23 - Ray Scott, Genghis Khan, Wanabi Birkov, and Koji Tatsuo
Room 26 - John Smith, Hitojo Yoshiwara, Christopher Hogan, and Trinick Yamaki
Room 31 - Azuma Tamagi, Mikoto Moriko, Sami Jotaro, and Nakashima Kiro
Room 37 - Kotone Miu, Ava Human, Satori Kimiko, and Rana Hayashi
Room 44 - Ichiro Ito, Akihiko Fujushina, Moliarth Vespiri, and Shingo Vespiri
Room 47 - Emelia Will, Pamira Yamaki, Rin Amiri, and Erin Zoruka
After registering at the front desk, the first years waited for the entrance ceremony to begin.

Period 2: Entrance Ceremony
John Smith, Ray Scott, Genghis Khan, John Will, Ichiro Ito, Hitojo Yoshiwara, Akihiko Fujushina, Ava Human, and Kotone Miu were among the throng of new students. After they had been waiting for some while in the Entrance Hall, bells situated around the castle began ringing in unison. A large wooden door that had been closed beside the front desk slowly swung open, revealing a passageway into the East Wing of the academy.
A voice boomed through the open door, inviting the first year students onward.

Choose your action!
Suggested action: Follow the other students to the entrance ceremony.
(12-26-2017, 07:58 PM)Ostinyo Wrote: [ -> ]Ava Human

I guess I wasn't expecting it because this made me laugh.

Anyway, Ichiro Ito shuffles through the crowds, doing his best to blend in as he always has. Although he tried not to be noticed, Ichiro was still filled with a sense of wonder being so close to the spectacular building for the first time.
John Smith expertly weaves his way to the front of the group to see what is through the door first

(Personality woo)
Note that this action is for the entire period in question, so the entire entrance ceremony. So Clock your action is essentially the same as the suggested action but with some personality thrown in.

Also if you guys want to help make things easier for me you could begin your actions with your character's name. So like:
Ichiro Ito follows the other students to the entrance ceremony.
Okay, I updated my post w/ name and some personality stuffs.
Akihiko goes with the crowd.

Hitojo strays away and looks for the administration of the academy to bribe "establish connections"
wait can I change my name to: Emelia Will? Ty
OT: Emelia follows them
Kotone Miu goes with the crowd and tries to make friends cus she has none!!!
Genghis Khan studies his surroundings and inspects worthy soldiers
Ava Human tries to be as distant as possible and act weird as fuck cause Ava Human is an alien and doesn't know how to function normally in this society
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